Monday, November 16, 2009

Purpose And Function Of Film Trailers

The purpose and function of a film trailer is pretty simple; To make people want to watch the film. They are used to advertise upcoming movies they are generally shown at the start of a movie in the cinema. However you can view them on the television or the Internet. This is due to the audience taking more attention to them. Trailer producers use shots from the movie to give a brief view of the story making viewers want to watch them. Trailers generally last around 2 minuets so they have to be effective so they choose the most exiting, funny or noteworthy parts without giving too much of the film away.
There can be more then one version of the trailer, Theatrical and Teaser the theatrical version needs to be longer and give more information, the teaser version is much shorter and shows less but usually has a much bigger impact.

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